Good Technology

Mobile security provider


Good Technology is a mobile security solutions provider headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, United States. The company serves more than 6,000 organizations worldwide in industries such as financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, energy and utilities, legal, government, and technology. Good makes products for managing and securing mobile data and devices in a business environment. Good’s comprehensive solution consists of a secure mobility platform, mobile device management, mobile service management, a suite of collaboration applications, and a broad third-party application and partner ecosystem.

  • Location: Sunnyvale, CA
  • Acquired by Blackberry

Portfolio Stats

Over 75 Companies

Paladin has invested in over 75 portfolio companies since 2001.

4 Continents

Paladin has invested in companies in North America, Australia, Europe, and South America.

Over $2 billion

Paladin was founded in 2001 and has since managed over $2B of companies and assets.