White Ops

Digital Advertising Security


White Ops is a pioneer in the detection of and systematic defense against bot and malware fraud, providing advertisers and enterprise businesses with the tools they need to eliminate fraud, raise their bottom lines, and ensure the success of their campaigns and the security of their systems and data. White Ops’s leading-edge technology combats criminal activity in a significantly different and more comprehensive way than any method currently on the market. White Ops differentiates between bot and human interaction in online advertising and publishing, enterprise business networks, e-commerce transactions, financial systems, and more, allowing clients to remove and prevent fraudulent traffic and activity. By working with clients to cut off sources of bad traffic, White Ops makes bot and malware fraud unprofitable and unsustainable for the cyber criminals who ultimately profit from it — an economic strategy that will eventually eradicate this type of fraud.

  • Location: New York, NY
  • Paladin Initial Investment Date: June 2014

Our Co-Investor Partners

Portfolio Stats

Over 75 Companies

Paladin has invested in over 75 portfolio companies since 2001.

4 Continents

Paladin has invested in companies in North America, Australia, Europe, and South America.

Over $2 billion

Paladin was founded in 2001 and has since managed over $2B of companies and assets.